Tools to Find Underground Water

About the Divining Tool and Divining Method

A retired farmer, named George Jakovich, from the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia has invented the worlds first Divining Tool capable of accurately divining underground water of different depths.

The Divining Tool can find underground water at different depths.

George designed the Divining Tool after more than 50 years of water divining experience on his own farm and other farming properties throughout Western Australia.

water divining then digging
Digging a well!

He developed the design and shape of the Divining Tool over many years of trial and error testing. Simultaneously refining his unique Divining Method (Part1 and Part 2) and confirming the accuracy of both with dozens of water boring holes.

The current models of the Divining Tool were engineered and manufactured lovingly by hand in George’s work-shop.

Check out the two models of the Divining Tool by clicking HERE!

farming workshop
George’s Workshop

Head to a SUMMARY of HOW TO USE the Divining Tool now!