Wheatbelt Farm

The Divining Method – Part 2

Part 2 Divining For Fresh Water *Before starting please follow preparation and priming steps outlined in The Divining Method – Part 1. *Beginners – Please start with Learning the Basic Divining Method  and master the basics at home before attempting water divining in the field. Use Correct Grip and  Starting Position Next, grab your Divining Tool with…Continue reading The Divining Method – Part 2

The Divining Method – Part 1

PART 1 Preparation and Priming An important part of the Divining Method is Priming the Mouth, Body and Divining Tool. Priming improves accuracy of the Divining Tool and helps you find underground water more easily. Priming Your Mouth When divining for fresh water, to prime the mouth , your mouth must hold a small amount…Continue reading The Divining Method – Part 1

Garden Hose for Practicing Water Divining

Learning the Basic Divining Method

Divining Basics Before divining in the field, take time to learn and practice divining on a known underground water pipe (or garden hose) filled with running water by following these steps: First please follow preparation and priming instructions indicating clothing choices and priming routine. Put on your home made Sipping System and take a sip…Continue reading Learning the Basic Divining Method


Overview Using the Divining Tool

Basic Instructions 1.    Caring for your Divining Tool Keep tool protected from dust and sand. Store tool in cloth bag. Never immerse tool in tap water. Never use tool during rainstorms. 2.    Be Metal Free! Wear cotton clothing, wide-brim hat, and closed-in shoes. Clothes, hat, and shoes all need to be metal free! For example:…Continue reading Overview Using the Divining Tool