Top Side of Divining Tools

The Divining Tool

Components and Models There are Two Models of the Divining Tool: Horned Model (silver head) Grooved Model (black head) Both models operate the same way and achieve the same – they both divine for underground water. The difference is purely just cosmetic and personal preference. The Different Components are: Handle for Grip Head (collective name…Continue reading The Divining Tool

Best Boots for Water Divining

Suitable Clothing for Divining

What to Wear While Divining The clothes and footwear you choose to wear while divining are very important and the wrong outfit can adversely affect your divining accuracy and effectiveness. Likewise wearing jewellery or a watch can affect the proper functioning of the Divining Tool. Mobile phones must stay in your vehicle and NOT in…Continue reading Suitable Clothing for Divining

Garden Hose for Practicing Water Divining

Learning the Basic Divining Method

Divining Basics Before divining in the field, take time to learn and practice divining on a known underground water pipe (or garden hose) filled with running water by following these steps: First please follow preparation and priming instructions indicating clothing choices and priming routine. Put on your home made Sipping System and take a sip…Continue reading Learning the Basic Divining Method

Priming the Divining Tool

Preparation and Priming before Divining for Fresh Water Before divining for water, you need to prime the Divining Tool and your divining hand. The divining hand is whichever preferred hand will hold the Divining Tool while divining. Once on location at your preferred water-divining site, please follow these steps: Fill a small plastic container with steam-distilled…Continue reading Priming the Divining Tool


Overview Using the Divining Tool

Basic Instructions 1.    Caring for your Divining Tool Keep tool protected from dust and sand. Store tool in cloth bag. Never immerse tool in tap water. Never use tool during rainstorms. 2.    Be Metal Free! Wear cotton clothing, wide-brim hat, and closed-in shoes. Clothes, hat, and shoes all need to be metal free! For example:…Continue reading Overview Using the Divining Tool